
We are all there when you slowly open the Styles CS file of your latest CSS viewer, you will see that it is 2,000 lines long and the class you want to convert is smooth in the middle. You’re lonely, scared, and have no idea if it’s okay to edit this class because it could drop something on a completely different page. This is a common experience (myadmissionsessay discount code) for any developer who has been working with CSS for a long time (see our favourite examples of CSS animation for some CSS inspiration).

6 Steps To Writing Better CSS

01. Add order and structure to files

First, consider breaking the style in their CSS files based on the agreed structure between the developers and then stick to it. Opening the Styles folder in an unorganized manner is a terrifying experience. You have no idea which files are in which file and how changing one style will affect another.

02. Build a base CSS file

Not all styles will be related to a single page and it is common to have more than one-page style. It is common to have styles that apply not only to the website but also to the business as a whole. From here, things get trickier, and this is where the true story begins! For example, you will use different colours, fonts, typography, as well as any resets that are specific to your site.

03. Separate your layout from other CSS

By separating these styles from the rest of your CSS, this means you can more easily focus on how the different parts should look and less on how close they are to you. Should be treated concerning the parts. This can be done by adding or implementing a grid system such as a popular Bootstrap library.

04. Write your CSS modularly

Separating your CSS layout shows another way to simplify your CSS. There are many different ways to use CSS. SMACSS, BEM, OOCSS exist for some names, but whether you call them parts, sections, modules, components, or blocks, they all have one thing in common. That’s why they try to add reusable and special parts to your style sheet.

05. Avoid long selector chains

When you write components, they are relatively easy to keep, the class selectors do not go into the depth of two to three layers. However, you can reach five, six, or more layers before some components reach the element you want to target.

06. Don’t forget your principles

There are many ways to create CSS and the project you work on will be a little different. Although it is almost inevitable that any code base will eventually require a revision, you can use these rules to prevent them from being used. At all times you should make sure your styles are dry, uncluttered, readable, and searchable. Introducing the principles discussed will help ensure that future things can be maintained more easily. So keep some command to your file system and your files.

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